Friday, July 21, 2017

Let God Lead

I am amazed at how dependent I am on the GPS function on my phone.  I use it a lot and while it is a great help I also find myself in the position of being somewhere and not knowing how exactly I got there.  I mean, I know obviously that I came in my vehicle, but the route is only a vague recollection. And yet, nonetheless I am here, or there, or whatever your perspective might be.

The thought of the GPS came to mind as I was meeting with  some early morning prayer partners today and one of them said he realized that he "liked to scheme."  And it wasn't that he schemed with negative intentions. No, he wants more than anything to advance God's kingdom.  I understood what he was saying.  How many times have we wanted to do something good, something for God, something to further his kingdom and so we sit and we plan and come up with what we think is a purely brilliant, can't miss scheme and then we present it to God and ask him to bless it?  When maybe we should have taken the time to consult with God first, ask Him to guide, ask Him to lead, ask Him to be a kind of spiritual GPS if you will. The main difference is that in the case of God not only does he get to plan the route, but he gets to plan the starting point and the end point as well.

It has been said that our greatest ability is our availability.  I think of my own life and consider all the times I ran ahead of God.  Amazing, that I somehow imagined that God needed my help, (He doesn't, God is perfect and self sustaining and to suggest that He needs anything is blasphemy), that somehow my plan would be as good as his plan.  The truth is that what we really need to do is to go to God daily and make ourselves available to Him.

Romans 12:1 (NIV) Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. 

The idea is that we give ourselves to God everyday, sacrificing our will and our pride and our intellect and even our physical bodies. Not only is it an act of worship, but it allows God to do His perfect will in us.

Trusting the GPS is a lot like walking by faith. We don't always know where God is leading us, but the destination is always a blessing. Today ask God to teach you how to allow Him to lead.

Pastor Jeff

LifePointe Alliance is one church with two campuses.  
Sunday Morning worship at LifePointe Franklin Park is 11:00 am.
Adult Life Groups meet at 9:30 am
Children's Church is at 11:00 am
English as a second language meets Sunday mornings at 8:30 am and Wednesdays at 7:00 pm

For more information go to and be sure to like us on Facebook

1 comment:

letting go

I sometimes struggle to let things go. Our youngest son recently started his new life away from home and I will confess that while I was exc...